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This page lists all Google Maps Platform products and features which are currently in a deprecation period. This includes products under Maps, Routes, and Places.

How deprecation works

The deprecation period for a product, feature, or version begins on the announcement date for the deprecation. The product, feature, or version will continue to be available throughout the deprecation period (typically 12 months). Once the deprecation period has elapsed, the product, feature, or version is expected to be decommissioned, and will no longer be available.

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Deprecation in SDK versions

In SDKs and the Maps JavaScript API, feature deprecations are tied to version availability. New major versions declare breaking changes including feature deprecations and release notes indicate the maximum supporting version of each deprecated feature. You can continue to use the deprecated feature for as long as its maximum supporting SDK version is available. To upgrade to the next major version of the SDK, you must remove use of the deprecated feature from your code or migrate to its replacement.

Learn more about Maps JavaScript API version availability, which follows a quarterly release and decommissioning schedule.

See guidance on managing version dependencies with the Maps SDK for Android, Maps SDK for iOS, Places SDK for Android, and Places SDK for iOS.

Active deprecations

This section lists all products and features which are currently in a deprecation period.

Local Context Library, Maps JavaScript API (Deprecated as of v3.52.2)

Due to the limited adoption of this beta feature, Local Context Library is deprecated as of v3.52.2. Local Context Library will continue to work until further notice, but we do not recommend adding it to new projects.

If you are interested in building a Local Context Library-like experience yourself, we suggest that you check out the "Neighborhood Discovery" solution in Quick Builder or use the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API. Code samples and codelabs for the Places Library can help you.

Places compatibility library for Places SDK for Android (As of March 31, 2022)

All versions of the Places compatibility library for Places SDK for Android are deprecated as of March 31, 2022. We are freezing development of the Places compatibility library on Places SDK for Android v2.6.0 (specified in dependencies as

No new versions of this library will be released after this date. The only way to access features and bug fixes in Places SDK for Android above Version 2.6.0 will be to use the Places SDK for Android.

The Places compatibility library was introduced in January 2019 to facilitate the migration from the legacy SDK (available in Play Services) to the standalone Places SDK for Android.

Follow the migration guide to use the Places SDK for Android directly. Some status codes, method names, and Autocomplete class names are different between the Places compatibility library and the Places SDK for Android. See the Versions documentation for specifying and maintaining dependencies on versions of the Places SDK for Android.

There is no plan to decommission the Places compatibility library at this time. However, if you choose to continue using available versions of the Places compatibility library, note the limitations on supporting old versions of an SDK.

Unsupported Place Search queries in the Places API and Places Library, Maps JavaScript API (March 31, 2022 - March 31, 2023)

Unsupported Place Search queries for Text Search, Nearby Search, and Find Place in the Places API and Places Library, Maps JavaScript API are deprecated as of March 31, 2022 and will receive INVALID_REQUEST error responses beginning on March 31, 2023.

The Places API and Places Library, Maps JavaScript API support three methods to find places: Text Search, Nearby Search, and Find Place. Each method accepts requests with supported combinations of parameters, and rejects most requests with combinations of parameters that are not supported.

A few combinations of unsupported parameters have not been properly rejected to date:

  • Text Search requests with an empty or missing query parameter and without a supported type parameter.
  • Text Search requests with query=*.
  • Nearby Search requests with keyword=*.
  • Nearby Search requests with name=*.
  • Find Place requests with input=*.

These unsupported Place Search requests must be replaced with one of the following:

  • Nearby Search requests without the keyword (or name) parameter can be used to find nearby establishments. It is recommended to also use the type parameter with one supported type (see Table 1: Place types). This provides the closest match to the current behavior of Text Search requests with an empty or missing query parameter.

  • Geocoding API requests with the latlng parameter can be used to find the nearest addresses. This provides the closest match to the current behavior of:

    • Text Search requests with query=*.
    • Nearby Search requests with keyword=*.
    • Nearby Search requests with name=*.
    • Find Place requests with input=*.

Content Security Policy update (March 21, 2022 - May 2023)

Support for websites using Content Security Policy (CSP) that do not specify in the Maps JavaScript API is deprecated as of v3.49, and will be unsupported beginning with v3.50. The last supporting version, v3.49, will be decommissioned in Q2 2023 after which the Maps JavaScript API will reject all requests using CSP directives that do not specify

To avoid disruption of your website experience, specify in your CSP. All currently available versions of the Maps JavaScript API support CSP.

Google Maps Platform gaming services (October 18, 2021 - December 31, 2022)

Google Maps Platform gaming services is deprecated as of October 18, 2021, and will be decommissioned on December 31, 2022. During the deprecation period, Google will continue to provide support and fixes to major bugs and outages. See the Gaming Services Transition Guide for resources to help you plan the next steps for your projects.

Obsolete place IDs (March 16, 2021 - March 30, 2022)

On March 30, 2022, all Google Maps Platform APIs will stop accepting certain obsolete place IDs. Beginning on March 30, 2022, any requests made using obsolete place IDs will be rejected, and return error code INVALID_REQUEST. To prevent user experience degradation, please refresh all place IDs that are older than 12 months before March 30, 2022.

Maps Module in google.load (October 13, 2020 -October 13, 2021)

The service that provides the "Maps" module for google.load is deprecated as of October 13, 2020, and will be turned off on October 13, 2021. Subsequent requests to load the "Maps" module in google.load will result in an error, and no map will load. See the Migration Guide for more information.

Places SDK for iOS GMSPlaceField now uses the NS_OPTIONS macro (As of v4.0.0)

Starting with Places SDK for iOS v4.0.0, GMSPlaceField now uses the NS_OPTIONS macro instead of NS_ENUM for better Swift support. Read more about Migrating to GMSPlaceField as NS_OPTIONS.

To continue using GMSPlaceField as NS_ENUM, specify v3.10.0 or earlier in your dependencies.

Places SDK for iOS methods: setAutocompleteBoundsUsingNorthEastCorner:SouthWestCorner, initWithBounds:filter (v3.10.0 - v4.0.0)

The setAutocompleteBoundsUsingNorthEastCorner:SouthWestCorner helper method is deprecated as of v3.10.0, and is unsupported in v4.0.0 and higher. Instead, use locationBias, or locationRestriction.

The initWithBounds:filter method is deprecated as of v3.10.0, and is unsupported in v4.0.0 and higher. Instead, use initWithFilter: in GMSAutocompleteFetcher.

The maximum supporting version for these deprecated methods is v3.10.0.

For details about replacement methods, see Appendix 1.

GMSCoordinateBounds in Place Autocomplete (v3.9.0 - v4.0.0)

Several properties/parameters utilizing GMSCoordinateBounds in the Places SDK for iOS Autocomplete service, are deprecated as of v3.9.0, and are unsupported in v4.0.0 and higher. The maximum supporting version for the deprecated properties/parameters is v3.10.0.

Bounds in GMSAutocompleteViewController

The following GMSAutocompleteViewController properties are deprecated:

For equivalent functionality, use GMSAutocompleteViewController.autocompleteFilter, with either GMSAutocompleteFilter.locationBias or GMSAutocompleteFilter.locationRestriction. The minimum version of the Places SDK for iOS with these replacement properties is v3.8.0.

Bounds in findAutocompletePredictionsFromQuery and autocompleteQuery

For equivalent functionality, use findAutocompletePredictionsFromQuery:filter:sessionToken:callback with either GMSAutocompleteFilter.locationBias or GMSAutocompleteFilter.locationRestriction. The minimum version of the Places SDK for iOS with these replacement properties is v3.8.0.

For details about replacement methods, see Appendix 1.

Places field GMSPlace.openNowStatus (v3.0.0 - v4.0.0)

The Places field/property GMSPlace.openNowStatus in the Places SDK for iOS is deprecated as of v3.0.0, and is unsupported in v4.0.0 and higher. The maximum supporting version for the deprecated field is v3.10.0.

Instead, use functions GMSPlace.isOpen or GMSPlace.isOpenAtDate. The minimum version of the Places SDK for iOS with these replacement functions is v3.3.0.

Places field: permanently_closed (Deprecated on May 26, 2020)

The Places field permanently_closed in the Places API and Places Library, Maps JavaScript API is deprecated, and should not be used. Instead, use business_status (Places API) or business_status (Places Library, JavaScript API) to get the operational status of businesses. The minimum version of Places Library, Maps JavaScript API with business_status is v3.40.

Places fields open_now, utc_offset (Deprecated on November 20, 2019)

The Places fields open_now and utc_offset in the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API are deprecated as of November 20, 2019, and should not be used.

These fields are only deprecated in the Places Library, Maps JavaScript API.

  • The open_now field has been replaced by PlaceResult.opening_hours.isOpen() in Place Details. For Nearby Search and Text Search, use the openNow:true request parameter to filter for places that are currently open. No equivalent is provided for Find Place. To get this value, you must now make a Place Details request.
  • The utc_offset field has been replaced by PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes in Place Details.

See Places Field Migration to learn more.

Maps JavaScript API: google.maps.event.addDomListener() and google.maps.event.addDomListenerOnce() (Deprecated on April 7, 2022)

The functions [google.maps.event.addDomListener()](/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/event#event.addDomListener) and [google.maps.event.addDomListenerOnce()](/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/event#event.addDomListenerOnce) in the Maps JavaScript API are deprecated, and should not be used. Instead, use the standard addEventListener() method.

These methods will continue to work and there is no plan to decommission them.

Completed deprecations

This section lists all products and features which have been decomissioned. These products and features are no longer available.

Maps JavaScript API v2 (May 19, 2010 - May 26, 2021)

Version 2 of the Maps JavaScript API is no longer available as of May 26, 2021. As a result, your site's v2 maps will stop working, and will return JavaScript errors. To continue using maps on your site, migrate to the Maps JavaScript API v3. Learn more about upgrading Your Maps JavaScript API Application from v2 to v3.

Places fields: reference, id, alt_id, scope (September 3, 2019 - August 10, 2020)

The Places fields id, alt_id, and scope are no longer available as of August 10, 2020. The Places field reference is deprecated, and should not be used.

  • The id response field has been replaced by the place_id response field.
  • The reference response field has been replaced by the place_id response, and should not be used.
  • the alt_id and scope fields have no equivalent, as they were only used for the Place Add service which was turned off in July 2018.

See Place field migration for details.

iOS version 10, ARMv7 32-bit architecture in Maps SDK for iOS 5.0

As of Maps SDK for iOS version 5.0, iOS 10 and the ARMv7 32-bit architecture are no longer supported.

Places SDK for iOS

With the release of Places SDK for iOS 5.0, GMSCoordinateBounds is decommissioned, replaced by GMSPlacesViewportInfo.

Fusion Tables Layer (Experimental) (December 3, 2018 - December 3, 2019)

The Fusion Tables Layer in the Maps JavaScript API was turned off on December 3, 2019, and is no longer available as of version 3.38 (3.37 is the last version to support fusion tables). Learn more.

Places SDKs for Android and iOS (January 29, 2019 - July 29, 2019)

Effective January 29, 2019, the upgraded Places SDKs for Android and iOS replaced the existing versions of the Places SDKs. The current versions of the Places SDK for iOS, the Places SDK for Android, and the Place Picker, were deprecated as of January 29, 2019, and were turned off on July 29, 2019.

Place Add and Place Delete (June 30, 2017 - June 30, 2018)

Effective June 30, 2018, the Place Add and Place Delete features have been turned off, and are no longer available.

Appendix 1: Summary of Places SDK for iOS deprecated API replacements

The following table shows the replacement method to use for each deprecated method or property.

Deprecated method/property Use instead
(in GMSAutocompleteViewController)
locationRestriction and locationBias
(in GMSAutocompleteResultsViewController)
locationRestriction and locationBias
(in GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource)
locationRestriction and locationBias
(in GMSAutocompleteFetcher)
autocompleteBounds and autocompleteBoundsMode
(in GMSAutocompleteViewController)
GMSAutocompleteViewController.autocompleteFilter with either locationBias or locationRestriction.
findAutocompletePredictionsFromQuery:bounds:boundsMode:filter:SessionToken:callback, autocompleteQuery:bounds:filter:callback, and autocompleteQuery:bounds:boundsMode:filter:callback
(in GMSPlacesClient)
findAutocompletePredictionsFromQuery:filter:sessionToken:callback, with either locationBias or locationRestriction.

The minimum version of the Places SDK for iOS with the replacement properties is v3.8.0.