Wyniki konkursu językowego „Daffodils” – prezentacja wiersza

Znamy także wyniki konkursu, w którym nasi uczniowie pięknie czytali w języku angielskim wiersz Williama Wordswortha „Żonkile”. Otrzymaliśmy protokół konkursowy od przewodniczącego jury. Jest nim pan Stephen Black ze Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Stephen Black jest pisarzem i edukatorem na temat Holokaustu. Pisze powieści beletrystyczne, jak i również literaturę faktu na temat swojego życia oraz niezwykłego życia jego dziadka, Mońka Goldfingera, który urodził się Wierchomli i przeżył Holokaust. Moniek Goldfinger spędził kilka lat w getcie żydowskim w Starym Sączu.

Stephen mieszka w New Jersey w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Tam też mieszka jego narzeczona Jame, która jest artystką i projektantką. Oboje lubią czytać, przebywać na łonie natury i spędzać czas z puszystymi kotami i długouchymi psami.

(Stephen Black is a writer and Holocaust educator. He writes fiction novels, as well as non-fiction about his life and the extraordinary life of his grandfather, Monek Goldfinger, a Holocaust survivor who was born in Wierchomla and spent some years in the Jewish ghetto of Stary Sącz.

Stephen lives in New Jersey, USA. His fiancée Jame, who is an artist and designer, lives there too. They both love reading, being in nature, and spending time with fluffy cats and big-eared dogs.)

Oto decyzja Jury Konkursowego, którą pan Stephen Black przesłał do organizatorów konkursu:

Kategoria klasy III-V:

I miejsce: Alex Błaszczyk, 4b

II miejsce: Karolina Marczyk, 3b

III miejsce: Jan Karlak, 3b


Antonina Sowińska 4a , Natalia Pierzga 3b, Łukasz Ciastoń 5a, Liliana Piątkowska 3b, Kamil Kołodziej 5a, Zuzanna Bocheńska 5a, Wiktoria Gorczyca 4a

Kategoria klasy VI-VIII:

I miejsce: Wiktoria Damasiewicz, 6a

II miejsce: Piotr Damasiewicz, 7a

III miejsce: Aleksandra Tyka, 6a


Laura Dobrowolska, 6a; Bartłomiej Mazur, 6a; Emilia Nowak, 8a

Poniżej oficjalna treść protokołu z wynikami konkursu, który został przesłany ze Stanów Zjednoczonych do naszej szkoły. W treści protokołu możemy również znaleźć wiele słów uznania dla każdego z uczestników:

I decided to pick a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for two categories: Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8. For the students who didn’t place, I’ve named all of them „Honorable Mention” and given feedback because I think every student was courageous to do this project. Truly, all of these were a joy to listen to. Okay, here we go!

Grade 3-5

1st PlaceALEX (GRADE 4) — Alex’s pronunciation is excellent, and he brings a sense of drama to the reading. In fact, I think he would be an incredible actor. Alex captures the emotional essence of the poem in a delightful way. Bravo! 

2nd Place: KAROLINA (GRADE 3) — Karolina’s recitation is crisp and her pronunciation is great. I appreciate how she takes her time while reading, ensuring that she reflects the words and mood of each stanza.

3rd Place: JAN (GRADE 3) — Jan reads with confidence, and his cadence is soothing. He has a very good sense of the poem’s rhythm, and this is reflected in his recitation.

Honorable mention: TOSIA (GRADE 4) — Tosia does a wonderful job with the rhythm of the poem. 

Honorable mention: NATALIA (GRADE 3) — Natalia reads with excellent cadence and flow.

Honorable mention: ŁUKASZ (GRADE 5) — Łukasz is very brave and has a great energy.

Honorable mention: LILIANA (GRADE 3) — Liliana brings beautiful emotions to her reading.

Honorable mention: KAMIL (GRADE 5) — Kamil has confidence and his memorization is impressive.

Honorable mention: ZUZA (GRADE 5) — Zuza is persistent and consistent in her reading. 

Honorable mention: WIKTORIA  (GRADE 4) — Wiktoria enunciates her words clearly and rhythmically.

Grade 6-8

1st Place: WIKTORIA (GRADE 6) — With precise pronunciation and deliberate speed, Wiktoria delivered the most emotional reading of Daffodils. She understands the joyful spirit of the poem and does a wonderful job communicating it. It brings Wordsworth’s words to life! Wiktoria enunciates certain words in her recitation with dramatic flair, a quality possessed by professional English readers. Bravo! 

2nd PlacePIOTR (GRADE 7) — Piotr’s reading is the most soothing of all. His rhythm and cadence are perfect, which helps showcase a quality that makes the poem so special. Piotr honestly sounds like a professional reader when he recites Daffodils. 

3rd Place: OLA (GRADE 6) — Ola’s pronunciation is crisp, and she injects emotion into her reading at just the right spots. She takes her time and is deliberate with Wordsworth’s verse. Simply put, Ola’s recitation is lovely.

Honorable mention: LAURA (GRADE 6) — The way Laura speaks is consistent and clear. 

Honorable mention: BARTEK (GRADE 6) — Bartek captures the emotion of the poem with true dramatic flair.

Honorable mention: EMILIA (GRADE 8) — Emilia injects every single word with emotion, and I couldn’t stop smiling while listening to her recitation.

All of these honorable mentions for Grade 6-8 were worthy of awards. It was so difficult choosing the best because they were all excellent! 

Thanks for including me in this project! I’m excited to hear about the award ceremony. 

Much love,


Recytacja wiersza „Daffodils” Williama Wordswortha

https://youtu.be/ozb35RqSyqU  – Wiktoria 4a

https://youtu.be/ZAFUsmE2quA – Wiktoria 6a

https://youtu.be/MMOEF-TBPNI – Zuzia 5a

https://youtu.be/NuriFdVLckE – Bartek 6a

https://youtu.be/FlMdPKap5jc – Alex 4b

https://youtu.be/gr9Y72abNmE – Kamil 5a

https://youtu.be/Ma9fOaUIq2k – Karolina 3b

https://youtu.be/_Oum3Z_oJ8M – Laura 6a

https://youtu.be/hso4HPLZ0Dk – Liliana 3b

https://youtu.be/YeokxbtchrI – Łukasz 5a

https://youtu.be/eTfOXosBbzg – Natalia 3b

https://youtu.be/dlZ7Av1b8kk – Ola 6a

https://youtu.be/23tRISf3gYk – Piotr 7a

https://youtu.be/PM2Jo0EsdxU – Tosia 4a

Jasiek – 3a

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